Monday, May 16, 2016

The Erie Canal Book is out!

Roger Fulton
27 ½ N. Church St., Apt. A, Cortland, NY 13045
Afternoons and Evenings: 386-956-6089
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Press Release
(For release after May 16, 2016)

Bicycling the Erie Canalway Trail:
Tips and advice for your adventure(s)
Whether you want a local day trip, or want to travel the entire 366 miles of the Erie Canalway Trail from Buffalo to Albany, we can help. This guide details the routes, GPS readings for key locations and accounts of the key attractions and destinations along the way. It also gives details of "what we found" as we personally bicycled all along the entire route.
We found cyclists who had lost their way and travelled miles out of their ways with inadequate preparation and guidance. This book wants to help you avoid those pitfalls. With our GPS readings and accounts, and your GPS or phone, you can look forward to a great series of outings, or a continuous trek across the state of New York, retracing the steps of those great pioneers of the 1800's.
It's a "fun" adventure and we hope this book helps you to enjoy it.
2016, 100 pages, full color photos, water resistant paper, spiral bound, 4 x 8 format.
Price: $19.95

To order this book, or any of our other titles, with a credit card, call the publisher Common Man Books at 866-793-0555 or go through their website at

Media Contact: Any of the contact points listed above.